There she was, a little girl walking through Target drinking her Diet Coke. Just minding her own business. Little did she know that I was having visions of tackling her in the bread aisle and ripping that Diet Coke right out of her hands. Seriously....I had to hold myself back. And really, how dare she? Didn't she know that I was on my third day of withdrawals?!
They say it takes 21 days to make a habit, so I'm hoping that it takes 21 days to break a habit. I'm not really sure if it works that way, but I'm giving it a try. Today is officially the 21st day of me quitting Diet Coke. And, oh, how I miss it. I've pondered the thought of giving it up many times. Really, it was my only vice (besides shoe shopping), but it had to go. It wasn't worth the tidal wave of chemicals my body endured every time I drank it, and I had an inkling it was the culprit of my daily headaches. When visions of knocking over Diet Coke-toting children at Target entered my mind, I knew the addiction had reached a new and ugly level!
So, it's day 21 of being free of my favorite drink, and really, I do feel healthier. It still speaks to me - calling my name - and I still eye anyone who's drinking it within a 10-foot radius. Let's just hope I can make it to day 22 and that little girls at Target will stay clear! Diet Coke, you are evil.