Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Big Unveiling

I wouldn't really consider myself a "techie" person. Sure, I like computers, and obviously I love cameras. I know how to use design and photo editing programs, but I NEVER thought I would make a website, let alone learn html code. Heck, I can't even get our dvd player to work half the time!

I've wanted a website from the moment I started taking photos, but knew that it was a ton of work and money, and just an overall headache. But at the end of last year I decided that I desperately needed a website and couldn't wait a minute longer. I knew exactly how I wanted it to look but the problem was that I didn't want to pay someone to do it. The control-freak and graphic designer in me wanted to update and change the site whenever I wanted. So I took an intense 10-week web design course to try to figure out how the heck to put a website together. After some very late nights, a few tears, and about 10 weekends entirely devoted to the site, it's finally finished! MY WEBSITE IS UP!!!!! I can't express how excited I am and what a sense of relief, happiness, and a little bit of pride I feel!

My blog is now and my website is

I hope you like the new site! Look around and let me know what you think! Maybe I am a little "techie" afterall! Ha!



Meghan said...

This is exciting!!! It looks great too!!

Abigail said...

it looks AMAZING!! I'm in awe of your html skills.