Thursday, June 17, 2010

One Photograph...

It's funny how one image can capture a moment that represents a lifetime. A moment that can conjure up memories of warm German potato salad and babies crying. Of fishing at the cabin and watching my grandmother sew. Memories of looking at my grandfather's stamp collection and baking Christmas cookies. One photograph, that sums up an entire family's past, present, and future.


Their wedding ceremony ended, and as they left, rice was thrown, guests cheered, and my grandparents started on an adventure filled with joys, tears, laughter, and trials. On their wedding day, their future was bright, exciting, and unexpected. That moment marked the start of what would become a beautiful life and a huge, loud, and loving family.

50-or-so years later, my grandparents look back at their life's adventure which so far has resulted in nine children, eight children-in-law, sixteen grandchildren, and one grandson-in-law. They witnessed each of their children get married; watched the moment when a new chapter began in their life. They were there to witness their love, their past, and the start of their future together. As each of us in the family gets older, gets married, and has children, it all goes back to this one photograph. The moment where two people fell in love, the moment where a beautiful family began, and the moments that will continue on forever.


Thursday, June 10, 2010

Oh, the Carnage!

So my mom was in town visiting a couple weeks ago and she wanted to go to the Atlanta Botanical Gardens. I didn't plan on taking a lot of photos while I was there. Don’t get me wrong…it’s beautiful, and a photographer’s dream, but I’ve been there a handful of times shooting. And really, how many photos do you need of flowers? But I thought I would take a few shots to remember the occasion.

I didn’t want to bring my camera bag to the gardens, so I put all of my gear into a LeSportsac. Whenever I put my gear in that bag, I ALWAYS separate my lenses into separate zippered compartments. Well, I did the usual, and separated the lenses. But then I realized that I wanted to sneak a bottle of water into the gardens. (Don’t hate…it was crazy hot!) So I put the water in my bag as well…right next to my 50mm lens. I started worrying that the combination of the hot weather and cold water bottle would create a lens-killing amount of condensation. So that’s when I made the dreaded decision; I moved my lens into the compartment with my camera.

So we were walking through the gardens, enjoying the day, when I found a water lily that my mom liked. Just like that I grabbed my camera out of my bag. That’s when it happened. (You will have to imagine this all happening at once in slow motion.) As I whipped my camera out of my bag, the camera strap caught on my extra lens and projected the little guy across the garden, smashing on the brick walkway. Meanwhile, I realized what was happening and reached and ran to catch the falling lens, all while yelling, “NOOOOOOO!!!!” in slow motion. But my short little legs didn’t get me there in time and lens carnage is all that remains. SAD TIMES!

Yes, I know that the dead lens is a cheap lens and "gasp!" plastic. It’s nothing that special, but I loved it! It was so wide open and took the most beautiful low light photographs. (It took the photos of little baby Brooklyn in my previous post.) If I had to choose one piece of photo gear to break, it would probably be that lens, but STILL! It’s so sad! He’ll be replaced by a newer, shinier, better version, but I’ll miss my little guy. RIP. Sniff.

Poor little thing.


And the water lily that caused it all...

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Brooklyn: Newborn Session

When I first saw Brooklyn, I about squealed out of the cuteness. She is the most precious little baby and she was so good for our photo shoot! For about an hour and a half, she curled up and slept, just as content as could be. She didn't care if we put a hat on her, took blankets on and off, or giggled from her cuteness; she was soooo sleepy (which makes her even cuter!).

I know, I know. The following photos are one after the other of a sleeping baby. But come on, how can you not fall in love with that little face?! In case you don't believe me, I dare you to not say, "AWWW!!!" when you look at sweet Brooklyn.



Those tummy rolls kill me!






Don't you want to pinch that little double chin?!

And my favorite...