When Douglas and I go to Buffalo, NY in a few weeks, we will stay in my parents' guest bedroom and we'll see my dad's guitar sitting in the corner. My dad has always loved music, as you can tell by the below picture! As usual, when I see his guitar over the holidays, memories will flood back to sitting around the living room while he strummed away singing "Blackbird" by the Beatles. My sister, Lou, and I would trill along and ask to play a cord or two, but would inevitably fail miserably. We would sit around in our pajamas singing and laughing until bedtime. Although my family isn't perfect, to me these moments were perfect and will always be perfect. When I think of some of my fondest childhood memories, the image of my family sitting around and singing to Beatles songs warms my heart. Thank you, dad, for giving me and Lou this memory that will always be cherished. I hope you have a wonderful birthday full of even more fond memories.